Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Decisions, Decisions

Well it is that time of year again, school registration. In a world where everything is constantly under the micro scope of scrutiny I find school the most important item in the petri dish. Do I keep Primo enrolled where he is or switch. I cast the net wide every year. Transfer applications at charter schools, unlikely since most use the lottery system. I have kept the director of our current school on hold while I make arrangements to look at our area public school. What are the valid reasons for taking a child on the roller coaster called new school? Money? Curriculum? Location? Obviously, I do not have a clue. It is how ever my opinion that no school is good enough, they all demand a high level of parent and to that point is it wise to pay money and still have to do the amount of work I am currently required to do? Well dear readers perhaps it is. It is good that Primo is modestly above the average and motivated to succeed. Maybe all those early childhood games of Scrabble will prove to be valuable, so start playing with your kids when they are very young, say 3yrs. We try rhyming words, 3 letter words, and make silly words, too.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Earth Day

It is snowing here, so there will be no planting trees or herbs in our garden. The next best thing to do is a recycling project. A garden of pinwheels! constructed from Magazine covers, wine bottle corks, chops sticks and a push pin. It was fun to sit in the warmth of the studio and create a this virtual garden.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

At the Drive Thru Window

Saturday is always one of the hardest days to get going. After breakfast it is Run nonstop; begining with baseball practice, print flyers, deliver flyers for new listing, post signs, shopping (the usual suspects: bread, milk, eggs). Finally home for lunch. I am exhausted, the little muses are bursting with energy. The weather is finally nice again they eat quickly and are out onto the deck riding around at break neck speeds. It isn't long before I am pulled into a game of Drive up window.
Segundo approaches first with a sheepish, "Mommy I want chocolate milk, is this a drive thru store?"
"Of course it is just like the one I like to go to!
Segundo changes his request, "A tall Skinny Mocha Please."
Primo, pulls around next, using his best grown up voice, "Uh Hello, do you have Chocolate Milk Uh, no make that a Tall Skinny Mocha.Uh how much is that?"
Mnemosyne "Here you go, that will be $3.75
Primo, " Ok, well what else do you have, are you open late?"
Mnemosyne "Yes, until 8 and we have great desserts!"
Segundo, "I sneaked into your store, hey can I get another tall Skinny Mocha Please."
After a few more circles around the deck they are back again for some of the special desserts ~
Primo,Segundo, "to go, please so we can eat them at the park!"
I find myself smiling at the concept of a neighborhood drive through, kids pulling up on their trikes, bikes or scooters and getting treat from a caring mom.

A Prayer for Our Earth

Praise be, my Lord, for our Sister,
Mother Earth,
Who sustains and governs us
And Brings forth diverse fruits with
Many ~ hued flowers and grass.

~St. Francis of Assisi

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Can we do an Art Project?

It has been another one of "those" days, rushing everywhere, Segundo in protest mode, and snowing to boot! Rush in to be the mystery reader, which I love (bad choice - another parent read the same story while we were on vacation). Back out to do errands, we ended up at an art supply store killing time. Back to school to get Primo. Snack. Home. Home work. So Far so good, now for turbo spell and everything spirals out of control, Primo is in a full temper tantrum. Screaming and crying and as usual I am MEAN! Primo sent to room and not watching his favorite show cyberchase. I retreat to my studio and before you can say glue stick, both Primo and Segundo are in the doorway asking, " Can we do an art Project?" I am so tired I cry. Then out come the supplies and Peace is restored at the Olympia. Too bad I hadn't remembered the magic found in 1 2 3 Magic.
Afterwards, some photos of the project - we like feathers, styrofoam, googlie eyes and chenille ties or pipe cleaners for the less than pc crowd. An imaginary friend by Primo (flowers and nest also by Primo made previously).

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Sour Milk

What a way to start the day - sour milk on my granola. I guess I am just glad that I noticed before I had a spoonful in my mouth. Sadly I used the same milk in the scramble eggs I made for Primo and Segundo. No wonder they weren't hungry, but wanted more toast. It is going to be one of those days!