It has been another one of "those" days, rushing everywhere, Segundo in protest mode, and snowing to boot! Rush in to be the mystery reader, which I love (bad choice - another parent read the same story while we were on vacation). Back out to do errands, we ended up at an art supply store killing time. Back to school to get Primo. Snack. Home. Home work. So Far so good, now for turbo spell and everything spirals out of control, Primo is in a full temper tantrum. Screaming and crying and as usual I am MEAN! Primo sent to room and not watching his favorite show cyberchase. I retreat to my studio and before you can say glue stick, both Primo and Segundo are in the doorway asking, " Can we do an art Project?" I am so tired I cry. Then out come the supplies and Peace is restored at the Olympia. Too bad I hadn't remembered the magic found in 1 2 3 Magic.
Afterwards, some photos of the project - we like feathers, styrofoam, googlie eyes and chenille ties or pipe cleaners for the less than pc crowd. An imaginary friend by Primo (flowers and nest also by Primo made previously).
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