Just what is a Tumble Weed? Salsola? Caught up on a barbed wire fence? A transportation method for small animals and bugs - that is what Primo and Segundo believe! The wonderfuk imaginations they have never ceases to amaze me! Fascinating, Inspiring? Yes, I find them utterly amusing and always get a spark of creativity from them. Sometimes even get lost in daydreams after seeing one roll along. After searching through garden books, libraries, and online I found out it is a noxious weed. Never the less I still find beauty in their dried dance across a field, down a street or like today in a mass migration along the highway - Why do I never have my camera when I really need it?
In actuality they are just another invasive plant species or maybe we are the invasive ones! For now I continue to let them induce daydreams, and other flights of fancy!